Hi, You have a great attitute.You have a loving wife, great sex and a good dog , what else do you need,right? After I was home connected to tubes and wires and air machines etc. I saw one of my cats sneaking down the hall, came up to my bed and peeked his head over,I put out my hand rubbed his ears, I got tears in my eyes, I thought this is life, the small comforts we get in everyday living, like rubbing a cats ears.My husband was my caretaker and will be again because I need more surgery, He is great no one gave me the comfort he did in his care. Don"t worry about the smell of the flowers look at the beauty , I am an avid gardner if I did not have that , all of this would have been harder to get through.The weekend before my first operation I went and got about 60 new tulips, I planted them in one shot. I said to my husband I will be here in the spring to see them bloom! I have seen them two years now and I hope more, plus planted a lot more stuff since. gnelson

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000