I agree with all of you about having terrific spouses. My husband has really stepped up to the plate with caring for me. He has never experienced anyone ill before in his life, so this has been a tremendous challenge for him.
There were some things that really grossed him out in the beginning, but he was strong enough to overcome that and now he's a great help.

The comment about the wedding vows was right on.....and to think, my husband and I just exchanged them 8 months ago. This has been a real trial for newly weds to go through, but if we get through this the rest of our lives will be cake!!!

Thank God for all of the caregivers....they deserve so much!!

I survived because I kept hope alive!!! Live, laugh, love and keep fighting hard.
Stage 3 oral cancer...over 60% of tongue and all lymph nodes on right side removed...July 2002.
Chemo and Radiation...ended September 2002.