Hey art- sunny brook? Wow - glad you are doing so well a year out. I was treated through PMH by dr. Irish - my surgeon, dr. j. Cho my rads guy, and dr. siu my Chemo dr. It's a pain of a commute because I live in Mississauga, but worth it to be treated there - I hope.
They were all very good even though i had a bit of a communication issue with dr. Cho. Yes the parking is always a nightmare, particularly at PMH. I sorted it out after the first week though and ended up not having to sell a limb to support my parking expenses.
Sandy I wish there was somewhere it was all saved- I'm not sure but if you click on my name it will bring you up all my postings!! But you have my email so any questions will be fine! Just contact me there - I hope you don't need the info!!!! Though.
will - I adore you... Will try the ginger ale. The club soda works, but if it's fizzy it still hurts a bit mind you if I have pain meds before hand then it shouldn't be an issue, my only concern is it not taste like turpentine - last time I had pop that's what happened very unpleasant - will give it a go.
I truly think it was allergic to my codeine. I had a bit of a rash under my arm where my bra strap sits - I noticed it a week ago. It wasn't really itchy or anything. But I also noticed another rash where my gj tube hangs down - (I used it three times to give myself the liquid codeine). - well it's been 4 days since I had codeine and both rashes are almost gone... Bizarre.
This whole thing is sooo weird.
Glad you all are doing so well. Hugs and healing vibes to you - and sandy prayers your ex isn't a cancer patient !