This is an update for me. I have 8 more radiation and 2 more chemo so am getting close to the end. I have done fairly well on things.
Last week my regular RO was gone so I saw another RO. I had noticed some pain in my neck, so asked about it, and to my surprise he found a small lymph node, BB sized, in my that area. However, I did not think there was pain from that spot. They made an ultrasound appointment for me which was today. Meanwhile, I could not find that lymph node over last weekend or into this week. My regular RO was back and he could not find it either, but said the thing to do was to do the ultrasound anyway, because someone did find something (I did feel it myself that day at my last week's appointment). The ultrasound showed a small lymph node in that area that was too small to be felt, so this was a relief, even though I'd been told not to stress by both of the RO's, mine and the substitute. The other areas they looked at were also normal. So that was excitement I could have skipped. I have noticed that my mask seems to fit much tighter than early on, and I have pains on both sides of neck and down on top of my clavicle bones, not related to skin sunburn, hours afterwards. I don't know what to do about this except to endure it.
My chemo last weekend was not pleasant, just felt bad in general, also felt more fatigue. As I related in an earlier post, my taste registers mostly metallic, with the exception of chocolate (did not used to be my favorite). I do not have a feeding tube as I am eating food, though I did drop a couple of pounds, probably partly because of my lousy weekend.
I did go to Laughter Yoga today, which is terrific. If anyone gets a chance to do this, I recommend it.