I feel your pain!. I am about 18 months post tx and doing pretty good. Still some eating ptoblems and have not regainned my weight (maybe that is OK). I had zero cavities for 30 years and I was good with my teeth, now it hs all gon downhill. I have had several cavities and a broken tooth. I am RELIGIOUS about flossing, water pick, trays, brushing. my next check up in in April. Like you I have a good dentist and I have 3 cleanings a year now. When I talked to my cancer dentist he told me to be more dilligent and if I get another cavity, use the trays twice a day

I like my teeth and want to keep them!!!!


70 male, athlete...again
SSC of undetermined orgin , early july 09
40 tx radiation, 8 chemo cisplatin and ebuterx
finished TX in mid Sept 09
Clear at the 6 year mark!
Back to swimming, biking and running! just a tad slower
never regained my weight, even when I eat lots and lots, just a skinny guy now

Just way glad to be seeing the green side up!