Brandy -
Thank you for your reply. Sorry the holidays have just been a whirl wind. I hope your holidays were wonderful!!! I decided that I was going to put all of this behind me because it was removed and it was consuming too much of my worries. In the meantime I had a checkup with my new MD (female doctor) sort of a meet and greet. I never really had an MD family doctor. When I did go I would see the local NP or my now retired cardio. So this prompted me to find one since I am getting older and these things are creeping up on me. (Things such as periodic slurring of sentences and headaches) So off she sends me to a neuro, She does some simple tests and sends me off next week for an MRI. I have no idea why, she said just to check head and neck for pinched nerves. but in the meantime I noticed the lump that was removed in the roof is back and it is much larger than when it was removed. I just had it removed the end of November. I have a check up in another month (that will be the 3 month check with the oral surgeon). Do you think it will be fine to wait for the checkup, it is only a month away?