Hi! My name is Brenda and I am caretaker to my husband, Tom. We have both been checking this awesome community out. It has taken me a while (and a sleepless night) to decide to post.

Since we have 3 doctor appointments today, I will give you a quick run-down then a more detailed story later.

Tom is 42, a very light drinker and occasionally smoked a pipe for 10 years (quit 10 years ago). He was diagnosed with SSC in September of this year. He is currently beginning his 3rd week of chemo and radiation.

The cancer was found in a 4cm mass in his lymph node. Primary was found less than 2 weeks later in his tonsil. ENT has been terrific!

Tom is a successful Psychologist working at Midwestern University. He loves his job and this treatment is devastating him. He has little energy, less appetite and nausea most days.

Up until this point in his life, he had never been in a hospital bed. He was relatively healthy with only moderate high blood pressure for a complaint.

Prior to starting radiation, he had to have 2 wisdom teeth removed. This seems to be the source of our angst right now, but it could be the mouth sores from radiation. He has had 3 sleepless nights, pain in his cheek area with some swelling. The area is so close to his extraction site, but this is also less than 3 inches from where the primary was found...

I made him a "Miracle Mouthwash" batch out of what I had laying around the house last night: anbesol gel, mylanta and benedryll. It helps for about an hour then wears off.

So this is me... I am a mom to 3 kids ages, 18, 15 and 3. The 3yo is adopted. We adopted her 2 years ago as she is a second cousin and had no other family member able to take her. :o)

I am a certified English teacher and resigned last year to open my own online high school (in progress). I have a BA in Psychology and a MA in Secondary Education. I am a home-body and enjoy the Facebook games and making crafts/sewing.

Having not slept last night, I will still be accompanying Tom to work. I have been driving him, staying in an empty office across the office and making sure he is eating and drinking.

I will be sure to post again soon. I had to get a month to month broadband for my computer while I am with him at work. They do not allow faculty wireless access. :o(

Until next time!

*taking a bow*

Wife of Tom, 42
SCC/Tonsil DX 9/23/2010
PEG/Port 11/2010
TX Begins 11/16/2010
Chemo ended 12/28/2010
Radiation ended 1/6/2011
Neutropenia 1/7/2011
Osteoradionecrosis 09/2011
Jaw Resection/Flap 01/2012
How do you want to be remembered?