Please tell me what CCC means. Thanks friend.

I have been told that if you have a lymphoma, leukemia, or certain type of cancer MD Anderson is the place to be but for Oral Cancer I had been advised elsewhere. I am not saying I am correct on this by any means.

I do want to speak with Brian. I tried to PM him with my number and email address. I hope to speak with him soon. I will change plans on the advisement of those on this board. Dr Gahali according to many has a great team of doctors, nurses, rehabilitation people, nutritionist, etc.. I have also been advised that this facility and doctor see OC patients by the masses and from all over the country. JFYI.. Please do not think I am defending this place in way shape or form.. Really, I thought I put in the research time until I found this site with its wealth of info...

I wish I could personally meet and thank each one of you for your caring, others first generosity, toward helping me and my sister.
Thanks so much......

Your new friend