Oh Ya believe me I've already told the receptionist waiting on the docs nurse assistant to call me back I'm gonna let her have the whole kit and kaboodle of what he is doing. She's doing something for another doc today she said so waiting for her to get a chance to call me. I just don't know which Doc to actually talk to...the one who took out the cancer/the one who did the transplant/the radioligist...he hasn't seen his "primary" doc since 2004 maybe, it's all been docs associated with cancer. But I'll get hold of somebody...and I know allll about anti depressants but with me, when I was on them back in 1997 I couldn't drink hard liquor, BUT I was able to drink a "couple" beers. Liquor knocked me out. He needs to be knocked out! He needs a day of sleep and rest his body, I am so hoping this rainy cold day he maybe stayed in bed and watched TV. that is the only time he will not drink and will be hungry to try and eat. One can only hope...

CG to Ron
Out of Pain 4/3/13
4/12-lung and under chin growth no treatment
1/13/12 lung biopsy
6/11 recur 6/30 resection #2 Clear margins
Clear 12/10
Surg 5/13/10 neck dis/nodes part gloss/flap R thigh all teeth out
RAD 30 8/10
DX 4/2/10 "Oral Cavity" T3NOMO
12/28/07 Non Hodg Lymph remission 7/08
passed away 4.3.15, RIP Ron, you are greatly missed