Procedure went fine - tumor is now encompassing 10 cm of his trachea. Dr. can put a stint in when/if the bleeding gets really bad - needs 2 days advance notice as the stint & tools are very specialized and only availabe in Boston - so they have to have time to travel to Dallas...I told him we'd fed ex them and have 'em here in a day; he talked to me in the hall and told me that the tumors are in the "very aggressive" stage...hell, what does that mean??? more concerned w/ Jim not being able to swallow - we now have a gastroenterolgist appt. on Tues. - he is unable to keep much down when he does swallow...he has projectile, will try to keep him with fluids and hopefully Tues. we will know more....none of it good, I'm sure, just by looking @ him.

Thanks to my OCF family for being the looks of what EZ Jim has been undergoing, looks like my Jim is headed in the same Jim isn't nearly as funny though....


Caregiver to Husband 50 yrs.young-non smoker/non-drinker; Stage IV - all treatments stopped August 2009
Lost the battle November 23, 2010