hello my dad was diagnosed in february with stage 4 tongue cancer, started floor of mouth.. we chose to do rads and chemo first, first biopsy in august was clear! did another one in november and its back..now the ENT is saying he needs bottom portion of jaw removed, floor of mouth is where cancer is, about 1/3 of tongue and neck dissection.. how anyone experienced this? i need to prep my father for this huge surgery on dec 7.. also the ENt said he thinks he can save his base of tongue and voicebox, but may have to wake my dad up during surgery if he has to take it to ask him?! huh never heard of this either! HELP!


Dad-55 yrs..2/2010-DX/March 2010-Induction Chemo/35Rads 7weeks concurrent with chemo once every 3weeks/6/2010-Treatments completed-October 2010-Recurrence/December 2010-salvage surgery/clear Margins/July 2011-recurrence/weekly Erbitux treatments-5/30/12, last erbitux..
Painfree and rested 6/19/12