
I've thought seriously about what I would do if I did have a recurrance with a poor prognosis, in fact lately I've thought a lot about it.

As a former WA state resident, I would move back there, smoke a lot of medical marijuana until the pain got to be more then I care to bare...and then check out using the "Death with Dignity" option available in Washington State...or go to Amsterdam where MJ is legal, as is Death With Dignity with the added bonus of legalized prostitution, the last part was supposed to be humor but I understand it's in bad taste.

I find it odd that in every state in the country euthanasia for animals is legal but in all but 2 states we expect humans to suffer until dying naturally. Not sure of the logic in that but it is what it is.

I wouldn't do chemo though after my first experience with it...I would want to be as chemically independant as I could be to try and enjoy the time I had left with the ones I loved. As much quality time as I could get before I decided it was time.

I hope you and your husband find peace in whatever path you choose to take.



Young Frack, SCC T4N2M0, Cisplatin,35+ rads,ND, RT Mandiblectomy w fibular free flap, facial paralysis, "He who has a "why" to live can bear with almost any "how"." -Nietzche "WARNING" PG-13 due to Sarcasm & WAY too much attitude, interact at your own risk.