Supporting Member (50+ posts) Joined: Jun 2010 Posts: 87 | Hi Cyndie- You have probably already decided something one way or another-- I was just going back and reading old posts. From the research I have done and what I have been told by several different head/neck doctors is that mucoepidermoid CA can be very aggressive, esp. if it is a higher grade, but can also be a lower grade and have poor outcomes. The primary treatment is surgical excision but if a 1 cm. clear margin is not obtained radiation is pretty much standard. Because mine was high grade radiation was recommended by two different tumor boards, even though T1, NO, MO. I'm not looking forward to the side effects but if I can wipe this thing totally out it will be worth it.
Good luck to you-- there aren't a whole bunch of us with MEC so I am always eager to hear how others are handling it!
Susan Age 51, married with four kids age 11-18, 9/1/2010, Bx: high grade mucoepidermoid CA left sublingual gland. 10/8/2010, wide excision left floor of mouth, modified radical node dissection left neck. T1N0M0. IMRT started 11/22. Never smoked, light social drinker Also happen to be ICU RN |