Hello all. Nice to be a part of the group. I was diagnosed with Stage 1, low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma located in the bridge between the hard and soft palate. I have had a wide excision of the tumor on Aug. 12. I have an opening into the nasal mucosa and wear an obturator to cover so I can eat and drink. When I was first diagnosed, I was shocked but doctors said resection would take care of it. After surgery with clean margins, I thought I was done and cancer was gone. Now because one margin was very close to the hard palate, they want to irradiate the roof of the mouth as well as the lymph nodes of the neck. I want the best outcome for long survival with the least amount of side effects, but after talking to the oncology nurse ,I feel like I will have very harsh problems in the mouth and thyroid as well as lymphedema,etc. I am wondering if at this stage, should I have all this radiation? Anyone have this decision?