Manuka honey is well known to most Australians and Kiwis. Manuka is the Kiwi name for the tea tree, the leaves of which are also used for their antiseptic properties (and it smells nice).
The honey has long been studied for it's healing properties Gethin found manuka honey outperformed hydrogel therapy in the treatment of leg ulcers (Gethin G and Cowman S, Journal of Clinical Nursing. Volume 18, Issue 3, pages 466�474, February 2009) whilst Cooper et al suggested Manuka Honey might be effective against antibiotic resistant staphlycoccus aureus (MRSA) (Cooper et al, J R Soc Med. 1999 June; 92(6): 283�285). I have also read about oral ulcers but can't locate a decent reference but if anyone else wants to search around a guy called Molan from Waitkatu (sp) University did a lot of the early work (early 90s)and may be a good place to start.
I personally used it (the tea tree oil not the honey) as a teenager for dandruff and stuck the honey on my pimples with good effect (although waking up with ants crawling over my face put me off a bit).
If it doesn't make you better it (the tea tree oil) also makes for a great mould and mildew cleaner or room deodorizer