I sent an email to the doctor in charge of the Manuka Honey study asking her about the risk of tooth decay. She sent me the following reference.

"This is taken from a reference (Rasghad et al)"

'Pure honey is acidic, with a pH of
around 3.9. A solubility-reducing factor present in
honey can activate in the absence of saliva.
Honey applied to radiation-induced xerotic mucosa
increases the micro-hardness of enamel, thereby preventing

I hope this address your concerns.

Brother Dx oral cancer March 23. Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Mod Dif Anterior Floor of Mouth, Peridental Soft Tissue, Right Bony Margin. Lymph Nodes 0/56 Stage II,pT2,pN0 2.8 cm
I was Dx b/cancer 9/2007. IDC Stage2 Grade2 2.4 cm 0/8 Nodes ER+ PR+ Her-2 Rad 33 no chemo.