I just have to laugh...everyone is so honest here. We have each other...who needs therapy?!
Any way (I am also in Rochester NY) Yay, the sun is actually shining! I am also single (divorced) My last boyfiend left me while I was laying on the gurney w/an IV in my arm telling me his "needs" are not being met! Could you imagine that? !!! Shame on me for getting cancer & fighting for my life!
That was over 2 years ago. Is it easy being alone?..no. Even last night I cried myself to sleep. I am sooo in debt (paying off my 2 kids student loans) Mourning for my Dad (who was my most favorite person in the world) And my 26 year old son & his girlfriend who are living with me (3 mo. now) rent free-did not even give me a birthday or mother's day gift & my 22 year old daughter gave me a $20 gift f/both Mother's Day & birthday! So don't feel too bad for not having any of these (suck the life right out of you) offspring. Sorry, I seem to have gotton off the path here! Sometimes I just gotta wonder "WHEN" will life get easier? At least your still young. You have a great profession. Any day you may walk in to that patient's room...& Bingo- that might be your true love! Never give up!

BOT T3N2M0 No surgery, 38radiation treatments,4 chemo rounds, peg removed 11/08, still have a port. Treatments ended 6/20/08. So far, so Good ! "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much !"

*** Admin update --- Dianne has passed away on August 25, 2015 ***