First let me preface that I am an idiot. I am 43 years old. I dipped a very popular snuff (not to use product names) for 18 years from 1984 to 2002. When the product got to 3.50 a can I quit for financial reasons for 4 years. For some reason in 2006 I took a dip of another product that was 1.50 a can and started all over and have been at a can a day until about a week ago.

About 3-4 weeks ago I noticed a white patch on my lower lip. Being a smokeless tobacco user I am used to sores etc. but when it did not go away in over 2 weeks I got a little concerned. I still wrote it off to probably nothing until last week when I started experiencing some soreness in my right jaw and ear. My wife was diagnosed with strep about 2 weeks ago so I got a strep test and it came back negative. The soreness has increased the past week and I constantly have a bad taste in my mouth. From everything I have read these are symptoms of oral cancer.

My questions are: Are these typical symptons? I have not had a screening yet. Where do I go? Denist? ENT? Primary Care Physician?

The good news is I have not had a dip in over a week. The bad news is I also use to drink alchohol 2-3 times a week and dipped twice as much every time I drank. I also contracted the HPV virus some 20 years ago while in college and although the warts has only appeared a couple of times since I have been married (17 years and my wife has showed no signs and know I have had them) I have read that this also increases my chances of oral cancer.

I realize some would think I may be over reacting but I have never felt these symptoms before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. My prayers are with everyone in this forum battling cancer. I also pray that I do not have it but I accept the fact that I deserve it with the idiotic lifestyle I have lived.