Thanks for the advice. I had a scheduled physical with my PCP yesterday and had him look at it. He was not overly concerned but concerned enough to refer me to an ENT.

I still have the white patch on lip going on over a month now. The soreness on the right side of my jaw and ear is going on 3 weeks. It may be getting a little worse, more so in the mornings. About 5 days ago I noticed a red dot on the inside of my cheek on the right side. At the time I wrote it off as possibly biting the inside of my cheek but checked again last night and not only was it still there but an identical one is on the other side. Both are painless.

My question is if it is cancer how fast do these things spread. My PCP seems to be dragging his feet a little on the referral. Should I contact my dentist? Would he be better at diagnosing than a ENT?