Michele --

Not long after Suzanne started posting here, she mentioned that she was going to Sloan for another opinion. I was the one who recently asked her whether she had followed through on that appointment, and the comment you are concerned about was in response to that recent question.

Evidently I missed this thread from July 2009 in which she talked about her appointment there:
[quote]I went to Sloan Kettering in NY for a 2nd opinion. Since SK is supposed to be one of the best cancer hospitals in the world I thought this was a good move. I saw the head doc for head and neck cancer and he said what my doc at Fox Chase says. No PETs and just watch it. This should give me some comfort and it does....I just can't shake the thought of it coming back. Maybe I just have not had enough appointments where it looks good. I've only had 1 in the past 3 years and that was last month.[/quote]
The quote is from a July 4, 2009, post on the second page of the thread.

So I hope this relieves your mind about going to Sloan. Obviously things have turned out well for Suzanne!


April 2006: Husband dx by dentist with leukoplakia on tongue. Oral surgeon's biopsy 4/28/06: Moderate dysplasia; pathology report warned of possible "skip effect." ENT's excisional biopsy (got it all) 5/31/06: SCC in situ/small bit superficially invasive. Early detection saves lives.