I too had the oozing, bleeding face and neck by the time I finished Rads. In addition to the Vigilon, my Docs gave me Silver Sulphodine cream (prescription only) to apply to the burns after radiation treatments were done. It was miraculous in clearing up the burns in about two weeks time. The hint about keeping the Vigilon in the refrigerator is spot on.
I ordered it on line much cheaper than I could find it locally, and in 8-by-8 sheets, which could be cut to the shape of my neck. great stuff!! I ordered it on line from an outfit named Allegro Medical.
They had it cheaper than anyone else I found. Beware, it is expensive, about$7.00 US each for the larger sheets, so if you are changing the dressing twice a day as I had too, the cost can add up quickly. To my mind though, it was worth the cost for the improvement in quality of life it provided.

Good Health,

Last edited by ChuckF; 12-30-2009 09:24 AM.

SCC Stage IV right tonsil T3N3M0. Dx 08/03. Clinical Trial:8 weeks Taxol, Carboplatin then Hydrea, 5FU, IMRT x's 48, SND, Iressa x 2yrs. Now 20 years out and thriving. Dealing with a Prostate cancer diagnosis now. Add a Bladder cancer diagnosis to all the fun.
It's always something
"Adversity doesn't build character, it reveals it."