currently he is 15 rads/4 chemos down. he missed 2 rads due to PEG tube surgery and 1 when he got a liver ultrasound done and again 1 this week due to Christmas. 25/5 to go.

it is scary to know that he hasnt even really got bad yet. andy is my rock and i dont have my rock to lean on...

CG to ANDY. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma (NPC)
T2N2cMxG4 stage 4. 43 @ dx 8/31/09
tx 9/21/09-11/06/09 cispatin/docetaxel/5-FU X3
PORT 9/9/09, PEG 12/07/09
35 IMRT-1/wk carbo 11/30/09-2/3/10
tx stopped due to complications
IMRT BOOST 3/08-3/12/10
PET 4/12/10 CLEAR!
PEG out 4/14/10