Sounds like your are eating a lot of different stuff.You'll gain back your weight in no time. Are you able to tast pretty well? Glad to hear you are getting the PEG out. Nice not to have a tube coming out of your stomach! We will be thinking of you in RE: to a clear PET scan. For us it was hard to move forward until we got the results!!


Jeff age 49 DX 5/8/09 Tonsil cancer T2N2BMO. Tonsillectomy 5/14/09. TX: Cisplatin 3x's every 21 days w/ 33 Rad concurrent. 2-3 nodes on right neck affected. PEG 7/10/09. Chemo/rad start 6/12/9, TX finished 7/28/09. Extended TX
3 more chemo/Cisplatin/5FU/Docetaxil start 9/11, Clean PET 10/29/09.