Hi Angelina,

We can all relate to having those days where we are down in the dumps, and I know it stinks when these days happen. I do just what you are doing and vent then I go to bed. As most of the people here know...I am an advocate of venting and letting yourself have those crappy days because they are going to happen. I bet you will wake up tomorrow and feel like a new woman. When you leave for work in the morning, put on some good music, put the windows down and sing. That's what I do!!

T1 SCC on right side of tongue
Age 31...27 when diagnosed
4 partial glossectomies
No chemo or radiation
Biopsy on 2/2/10-Clear
Surgery needed again...no later than April 2011
Loving life and just became a mother on 11/25/10
It's not what we CAN'T do..it's what we CAN do:)