I do have a dentist appointment today so I'll check on that. I didn't use flouride all through treatment because everything was SO sensitive...I have horrible confluent mucositis. My mouth has really taken a while to heal. So my doctors urged me to start using them again despite the burning. My RO scared me that my teeth would fall out. Things aren't looking so good here. Looks like i have some kind of recurrence on the opposite side, glands though, and dermal mets may be likely. This is horrible. I just had CT scan, PET scan, and MRI the past two days so looks like I'll be hearing soon what's next. Thank you for the advice on the flouride though...I'll definitely ask very directly to my dentist today. And then my doctors I'll be seeing this week as well.

Thank you!

26 yo Med student: 9/26/08- biopsy diagnose SCC on rt side of tongue
10/08/08- partial glossectomy and rt sided neck dissection removing 42 nodes, one of which positive for SCC
11/10/08- 7 wks of 33x IMRT, wkly cisplatin and wkly erbitux tx
12/26/08- last day of radiation.
8/5/09- uh oh...