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Antonia M Antonia M Yesterday at 12:29 AM
Hello, I’m a 66 yr old female.. and this is all very new to me. I have never posted about self. But I had 2 mths of radiation on left tonsil . (Tx every day) in 2020 its been4 1/2 yrs. I thought this was behind me, but for the last 2 weeks I have been hacking blood and my left side of throat hurts when I swallow. I’m so afraid that it is back? I’m going to ENT tomorrow morning,
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Re: Oropharyngeal SCC Smiley 07-24-2024 10:40 PM
Thank you Paan
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Re: Oropharyngeal SCC Paan 07-24-2024 09:57 PM
Hello welcome, read all old posts here under after treatment section,everyone here used to very active but lately all is very quite here.good luck
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Oropharyngeal SCC Smiley 07-22-2024 04:33 PM

I'm new member, 57 yrs young (Montreal, Canada) and just diagnosed with "throat cancer" at the base of my tongue. Biopsy confirmed and likely HPV positive as I'm a non-smoker. Completed CT, MRI and PET scans and has metastasized to multiple lymph nodes on one side of my neck. Drs are now saying surgery no longer an option and that I should start Radiation (7 weeks) and Chemo (9weeks) immediately. Obviously very scared although Drs are more positive with 83% survival rate. Has anyone else had chemo and radiation on mouth and neck that can share their experiences?

Thank you
Wish you all well.
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I’m new here Exhausted68 07-21-2024 03:05 PM
I’m new here and would like to introduce myself. My name is Sarah, my husband was diagnosed with Oral Squamous cell carcinoma over 2 years ago. After first surgery he has had multiple skin graft failures as well as Radiation. over the course of the last year has had a recurrence that it took months to diagnose. Now after having his last surgery we have been advised his tumor has grown significantly and is no longer operable. He is no longer able to speak or eat. He is severely disfigured and has a trache and feeding tube. He cannot lay flat for radiation and is only left with the option of chemotherapy. At his last oncologist appointment they told us if he doesn’t do treatment he will only have months to live. My concern is what is the success rate for chemotherapy at this stage? I don’t want him to suffer through chemotherapy only to not survive. They are saying that chemotherapy side effects are not that bad, but I’ve never heard of anyone going to chemotherapy and not being nauseous and tired. He is already suffering from pain and fatigue I don’t think he realizes how hard this is going to be for him. He’s trying to keep going for his children and I, but I can’t get over the feeling that he’s not going to be able to make it through this. I know I said I was introducing myself, but as many of you know cancer is my only concern right now. It has consumed my life.
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Long-Term physical and QOL Issues related to treatment Jump to new posts
Re: Failed implants travelottie 07-14-2024 10:39 AM
As you already know, dental extractions post-radiation therapy are a risk due to the possibility of developing ORN (osteoradionecrosis) resulting from compromised blood flow to the jaw. My past posts on this topic, document the bad advice that was offered by various dental specialists in our local area. My husband did not get good advice until he consulted a dental surgeon who was part of an oral cancer team at a large NYC hospital.

The OCF pages under dental issues are helpful.
All the best,
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Re: Just saying Hello David2 07-11-2024 06:37 PM
Congrats, Bill. I'm not far behind you - 15 years out and hanging in. May it continue!
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Re: Old Timer Checking In David2 07-11-2024 06:35 PM
Congrats, Kevin. I also don't visit here much anymore since I'm just recently 15 years out. And like you I have prostate cancer, but mine is still thankfully Gleason 3+3, so no treatment yet.

And yeah - where are Christine and Brian?

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Long-Term physical and QOL Issues related to treatment Jump to new posts
Failed implants donfoo 07-11-2024 04:04 AM
I had radiation and chemo to treat my stage 4 SCC HPV treatment 10 years ago.

This year I made the unwise decision to have my teeth extracted and get full upper and lower all on 4 fixed dentures. It's been around four months and four of the eight implants failed and were removed. It seems likely the radiated field is where the implants failed. The dentist has added a couple new posts in the lower, so now an all on 5. A temporary load fix denture will go on next. Hopefully, the extra post will hold and the bone and tissue should provide adequate support.

The upper ride of the jaw likely got rads and that is why 3 failed all in the same area. They were removed and the area cleaned of tissue and bad bone. It does show quite a bit of bone degenerated in the area of the posts. The doctors want to do as little as possible so are having me wear a removable upper denture for a few months to see it heal up before making any decision on next steps.

Which specialists work with oral cancer patients that received radiation? I've seen reference to the RO, oral surgeon, and prosthodontist. Before doing any further damage I need to get the proper evaluation, recommendations, and options.
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Long-Term physical and QOL Issues related to treatment Jump to new posts
Repeat tooth extraction after HBO Dianed 07-10-2024 06:57 PM
Hi I’m wondering if anyone has gone through previous HBO treatment and tooth extraction and needs another tooth extraction a few years later. Do you need to have another round of HBO treatments before having the tooth extraction? Thank you for any information.
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Just saying Hello Talbill 07-05-2024 05:28 PM
Hello all, it has been 18 years since I joined OCF and I don't know how I would of made it without this forum. I have 3 friends who have gone through treatment here since I moved back 4 years ago. I just want to say I am doing great, still no cancer, and wish all who are fighting to keep fighting. I hope everyone gets to beat this disease and enjoy a full life. DavidCPA, you mail box is full. I tried to PM you. God Bless you all. BB
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