I use the microwave analogy to explain the radiation and also the sunburn analogy (coming out of the sun doesn't stop the burn from feeling worse!).

I personally don't buy into the rationale that ONLY natural vits are good; granted, there may be a few vits that are ineffective or less effective when taken "out of context" because they need something else to work properly, but not all will be that way.

And, one must factor in that some people have an almost religious faith in diets, vitamins, etc. that goes beyond the chemistry.

Age 67 1/2
Ventral Tongue SCC T2N0M0G1 10/05
Anterior Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 6/08
Base of Tongue SCC T2N0M0G2 12/08
Three partial glossectomy (10/05,11/05,6/08), PEG, 37 XRT 66.6 Gy 1/06
Neck dissection, trach, PEG & forearm free flap (6/08)
Total glossectomy, trach, PEG & thigh free flap (12/08)
On August 21, 2010 at 9:20 am, Pete went off to play with the ratties in the sky.