My brother had a very hard time tolerating many protein drinks. He, too, threw them up. The only thing he ever found that didn't make him sick was called "Severe Mass". I ordered it online from a health food place. As for people...My brother passed away at the end of July. Just one month later the person I thought was my best friend said something to me about him and tears came to my eyes. She said, what's wrong? I said I was just sad about David. She looked totally suprised and said, "I didn't mean to upset you, I thought you'd be over all that by now." It had only been a little over a month since his death.
Although she is still my friend I will never see or think about her without remembering those words. As my brother said following surgery, the only things that really matter are family and friends. Times like these will seperate true friends from mere acquaintances.
All my love to you and your husband,

Sister of 32 year-old oral cancer victim. Our battle is over but the war rages on. My brother passed July 26, 2005. He was a smokeless tobacco user.