Danny Boy

You and Scott have the exact same weight both before and after treatments.

He is currently at 124-126 but today he had a very difficult time keeping the Jevity down. He started on the Fentanyl patch about 5 days ago and its not working out. So the patch came off per Dr's orders.

When he was able to swallow we did the protein shakes with the ice cream and the weight gain supplements. It helped but when swallowing got harder then that was no longer an option for us.

He had the PEG put in a week and a half ago. We tried feeding using the serynge method and he got to nauseaus, then we tried the pump and it also made him sick. I don't know what else to do. He was taking compezine but his gastro Dr now has him on Ragnol.

I ordered the benecalorie nutrition fortifier but have not received it, it should be here any day now.

I am worried that rad and chemo is going to be too much for him if he is not able to put some weight back on. At 5'6 and 145, he really couldn't afford to lose any weight.

He is so weak and lays in bed 95% of the time. He is nauseauted most of the time so basically or choice was to have him live with the outrageous headaches and ear aches and food or keep the patch which aliviated the headaches but holds down no food intake.

I don't like seeing him walking around holding his head and the left side of his face. All this is taking place and his treatment hasn't even started.

What can I do??

wife to 36 yr old husband diagnosed with SCC on 7/6/05, tongue dissection and radical neck dissection on 7/15/05, 2nd biopsy on 9/15/05 and found carcinoma in-situ. Starting radiation and chemo on Oct 05