
I am glad you are doing great and you proved him wrong. I think people just assume that cancer means automatic death.

I can't even start to imagine what you went through but the best thing is that your husband stood by you and walked you through this process.

Its very hard to ignore comments made by others and what makes it worse is thatthey claim to know more than you.

We have a friend in pharmaceutical school and he questions every medication and then questions the doctors' integrity and knowledge. I feel like he thinks I don't know what I'm doing and that Scott should be trying every new medication out there. He actually expects me to go tell the dr's what medication to put Scott on.

Mind you he is only a student but they don't understand the psychological effects that it does to you. His comments hurt my feelings and make me feel even more helpless but I finally had to put my foot down on that one.

This is so hard Karen.

I feel very lucky to have found this forum where I can get first hand experience that no school in the world can teach.

I hope you are doing well

wife to 36 yr old husband diagnosed with SCC on 7/6/05, tongue dissection and radical neck dissection on 7/15/05, 2nd biopsy on 9/15/05 and found carcinoma in-situ. Starting radiation and chemo on Oct 05