Great ideas, all of them. I'll start noodleing on some ideas on the computer later in the week (when I beat a few of the alligators down that are about to consume me). As to the oral cancer colors.... this is an issue. First there was one color proposed and made into ribbons by a particular OC group, then another group, which didn't like the first group for reasons I'll stay away from in this post, came up with their own colors.

Let me say this about the ribbons in general; when I first looked into this, I found that there are 2700 trademarked ribbon color identifiers at the US trademark office... I was blown away by the number. But I am more amazed that anyone would still want to piggyback on this idea. For myself, and this will expose my ignorance for all to see, I really only remember the two first ribbons, pink and red, beast cancer and AIDS. As for the rest of them (2700), I could only guess, and therein lies the problem. If you are going to do something it has to stand out. The bracelets that Nike did for Lance were an original idea with a color (the day's winner jersey yellow) that has become synonymous with Lance and the Tour and his foundation. There are now a ton of bracelets of all colors out there, none of which does anybody know what they mean. There are even some people, who I wish would be prosecuted by LAF, that have knocked off the LiveStrong bracelet to a T, and are selling them with nothing going to LAF. The point is if you are going to have an identifier of some sort, being a "me-too" is a waste of effort and money. The ribbon and bracelet have been done ad nausium except for the few that everyone knows about, and the ribbon and bracelet efforts will always be associated with them.

As to the color, I don't think wearing a burgundy or a burgundy and cr

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.