So many things to think about. I'll get out my notebook for the lymph node questions.....The doc was very good about describing all that would be done on the right side, but then again, he used some words that I didn't know - and I figured I'd go 'look them up.' Of course, I can't recall them all now! I have looked at the forum 'dissection' site which really helps, and I am approaching this convinced the good doctor, who is highly recommended, will preserve everything he possibly can.
I am always amazed at those of you who have conquered this disease - and then had to face it again. God bless you. I believe your courage and commitment to helping others will be rewarded one day.
Nancy, all I can say about 'being there' for Tom is that this is one amazing man I married. He is all good things - mixed with a fair measure of bull-headedness - and a personality that draws people to him like a magnet. Interestingly, he can be abrasive and argumentative (you DON'T want to get into the middle of a controvery with my mom and my hubby!), but he does not hold a grudge. I don't know how I got so lucky to find him (in a grocery store, no less!!), but after 33 years, I'm still crazy about him. I'm glad I'm the one helping him through this. It does throw me off kilter sometimes when the least little thing makes him tear up - or out-right cry - but it also makes me love him all the more.

OK - now I'M rambling. Eileen, I'm going to make sure we address the PT issue with the team during our first post-op appointment. I know there is a survivor volunteering at the hospital to help head&neck patients...he actually had the doctor's signature tattooed along one of his scar lines! smile Gotta love the outlook!

Thanks so much for caring.

Nicki, wife of Thomas
dx July 2004, SCC, Stage 4 Tonsil. Tx begun 8/4/04. Cisplatin/Xeloda x 4; IMRT 7 wks, 8/7 - 10/25/04 Modified Radical Dissection (right), Selective Dissection (Left) 12/10/04.