Ann Marie....PLEASE do not apologize for what you are calling "whining." Isn't it wonderful to have a safe place where you can express your deepest fears?? And believe me, you may or may not ever meet one of us face to face, but that does NOT mean that we don't care deeply about each person who is a member of this forum.

There was a time when EACH of us was in your shoes, as a newly-diagnosed cancer victim, and scared witless. Most of us were not fortunate enough to discover this wonderful, caring, informative site until later in our treatments, but at some point in each of our journeys, we each have found that we have something to offer to others, and that in itself is strengthening to us.

Please let us minister to you now....sorta like allowing each of us to "pay it forward." Believe me, before you know it, you'll have progressed along the journey, and one day you will be the one writing to support another person who is scared to their core.

We know how you feel. And we know that you are not whining. You are telling the truth, and we have all shared that same truth at one time or another. It's part of the history for each of us, and it is something that most of us live with to some degree every day.

So....say anything you wish. Nobody is going to think less of you, and NObody will think you are whining. Keep talking to us from the heart. It's good for you....and for us too.

My heart goes out to you. Once you make some progress with getting your opinions and having a plan, you will feel much better. It will be difficult, but you CAN do it, and you will probably be surprised by how others step up to the plate to support you.

Stay in touch!!!

Colleen--T-2N0M0 SCC dx'd 12/28/05...Hemi-maxillectomy, partial palatectomy, neck dissection 1/4/06....clear margins, neg. radiation, no chemo....Cancer-free at 4 years!