Im sorry you have to go thru such a major surgery. Ive had a mandibulectomy (thats one word I never wanted to know how to spell much less pronounce) in 2009. Its a big surgery, mine was 10+ hours. Its not easy but I have faith if I can get thru it you can too. Expect to stay in the hospital for at least 1 or 2 weeks. Recovery with this type of very involved surgery can be a long road. Make sure your doctor writes prescriptions for 2 different pain meds while you are hospitalized. This way you can alternate between them instead of having to wait for the right time to take your next dose. I had significant pain when I had my mandibulectomy, lots of stitches, staples and skin graphs all had me feeling like I was run over by a truck (and it backed up and hit me again and again). In some ways, your mandibulectomy doesnt sound as involved as mine was so hopefully you wont be hurting too much.

As far as eating goes, that is very individualized. Some patients cant ever eat properly after surgery or radiation while others have been thru OC multiple times with some major impacting treatments can manage fairly well. To me, I feel the eating ability also takes some determination which you have. I hope after your recovery you will be able to enjoy dinners out with your wife again. The most important thing is to eliminate the cancer, after that everything else will fall into place. Collateral damage can wreck havoc on a survivor but in time everything is manageable.

Wishing you all the very best with everything.

PS...Check your private messages. Ive resent the link to the thread that teaches you how to make a signature and navigate the forum.

SCC 6/15/07 L chk & by L molar both Stag I, age44
2x cispltn-35 IMRT end 9/27/07
-65 lbs in 2 mo, no caregvr
Clear PET 1/08
4/4/08 recur L chk Stag I
surg 4/16/08 clr marg
215 HBO dives
3/09 teeth out, trismus
7/2/09 recur, Stg IV
8/24/09 trach, ND, mandiblctmy
3wks medicly inducd coma
2 mo xtended hospital stay, ICU & burn unit
PICC line IV antibx 8 mo
10/4/10, 2/14/11 reconst surg
OC 3x in 3 years
very happy to be alive smile