Fifteen Month Report - Well I wish I had lots of good news to report, but all is about the same as it was at 12 months.

Food taste comes and goes, about the same as before. I feel like I have a bad taste in my mouth a lot of the time and want to brush my teeth, but brushing doesn't help. So, I keep some old forumla Biotene around and wash out with that occasionally. It seems to help.

Weight has been slowly coming back, but that's not a good thing as I wanted to stay at my fighting weight. Two meals a day and I stay constant, but lately there have been too many three meal days. I gotta double down on this again.

Other than that, life is good. I had a CT and ENT visit last Friday, the doc is happy with scan results and what he saw on that through the nose down into the throat torture device they use to inspect things.

Oh well, life goes on.


Tony, 69, non-smoker, aerobatics pilot, bridge player/teacher, avid dancer (ballroom, latin, swing, country)

09/13 SCC, HPV 16, tonsillectomy, T2N0.
11/13 start rads, no chemo
12/13 taste gone, dry mouth,
02/14 hair slowly returning
05/14 taste the same, dry sinuses, irrigation helps.
01/15 food taste about 60% returned, dry sinuses are worse in winter.
12/20 no more sinus problems, taste pretty good