Morning Tony , ashamed to say I haven't posted a treatment thread I'm really not confident at posting but trying to be, I always feel that I cannot articulate as good as other people so shy away from it and not always sure where to post things, not that computer savvy!
Going to have my hair trimmed again today that's the second cut post treatment grown back really thick with a curl not sure where that's decided to come from! But it's the little normal things once very much taken for granted that make you feel good.
Hope your having a good week , keep up the fight too. Really does help to know that there are other people experiencing similar doesn't it , this site a god send.
Love Di

Di 47 none smoker / drinker

T4 SCC left tonsil
1 Cistplatin,30 RAD finished treatment on 4/12/2013
First MRI scan appears clear
NG tube 9 weeks
acute vommiting, syringe driver 9weeks
2 month checks