Hi Tony , thanks for the up date I always take particular interest in your post and am eternally grateful for the tip re chewing gum. Our diagnosis are very similar and treatment times so I always look how your doing. I'm 8 months finishing treatment , my taste doesn't seem quite as good as yours yet, but experiencing similar things . Sweet things not good anymore still have massive cravings and keep testing them but feel disappointed afterwards and wonder why I keep insisting on trying! Savoury , getting there veg and salad taste the best almost as good as they use to , and milk based things , rice pud egg custard okay now. Fresh salmon taste good .Struggle with the taste of meat the texture ropy manageable in a stew or sauce. Actually had a mild chilli con carne tonight , tried 2 months ago and cried but did well tonight, not a grate test but the point being I managed with the mild spices. Still relying on water to get most meals/ snacks down but the pilocarpine is a god send for me and has improved my saliva flow and quality of life a great deal. Reading what you have for breakfast you could be sat at my table sharing mine , Cheerios or fruit and fibre with nuts and a banana! Most other fruit pretty grim tasting. My weight has been stable for 4 months now not gained any of the 2 stone 4 pound lost but a healthy 9'2 for my 5'6.5 height. No mucous at all thankfully .... That's pure misery ! Back to work full time , moved house 5 weeks ago and moving on with life. Bad days still there but no where near as often as before, not dwelling on the what ifs , enjoying life each day . Wishing everyone here love , positive thoughts and hugs for anyone who may need one.
Di x

Di 47 none smoker / drinker

T4 SCC left tonsil
1 Cistplatin,30 RAD finished treatment on 4/12/2013
First MRI scan appears clear
NG tube 9 weeks
acute vommiting, syringe driver 9weeks
2 month checks