Another update! I am mid way through Week 5 - and technically 66% there! Not that I am counting down the days, hours and minutes of this.... treatment.... journey... hell???

So - had a PICC line put in place today, even though I was struggling with tummy troubles. I am still struggling to find meal options. Ensure, One Resource, Boost all do NOT agree with my tummy. At all - I learned that the hard way (almost a very embarrassing situation avoided only by parking in a completely illegal spot and rushing into the nearest washroom!) that they are not a good fit for me. I am quasi-lactose intolerant - there is some stuff I can take, and some I can't. And, I can't take them...

At least the PICC line makes the hydration easier, and the WaterPik has been a lifesaver - really has improved my mouth hygiene and reduced the pain I was feeling. But the days of painkillers are back now...

I'm just hoping that my jaw continues to open enough to get to the end of the treatment - it's not a happy bunny right now

11 to go... I can see the finish line glimmering in the distance...

Thanks all for the support - your words help...

Age 48, Rabid non-smoker, Mom, horse lover
Diagnosed SCC Feb 11/14
CT Scan showed three larger than normal lymph nodes
Partial Gloss & SND Mar 25, 2014
Nodes Clear/ 3mm margin / RADs recommended
Began RADs May 20, 2014 (30 in total) ENDED June 30th