Thanks Cheryl & Tammy,
As regards visiting, I really don't want her making that train journey. I'll have a word with the MacMillan Nurses and see if they have somewhere close to the hospital where she could stay.
The description of the effects of a neck dissection is a bit scary.
I always wanted to retire at 55, so I could have a good retirement - I'd heard too many stories of people working to 65 or 70, and dropping dead soon afterwards.
To that end, we have loads of holidays booked:
At the moment we're supposed to be in the Lake District for 4 weeks - we may get up there for a few days after these scans.
Then we have a 4 week cruise booked for the end of November, another one for February, and another one for next November.
We were also planning a 2-month US Road Trip for Aug 2015.
I'm thinking that, at the very least, we'll probably have to cancel our November cruise.
I'm wondering whether I should make the final payment on the February one at the end of October, and I'm even wondering if I'll be fit to do a long drive at the end of 2015 if my shoulders aren't going to be working.
Any ideas?

1990s: Oral Lichen Planus
Feb 2013: Persistent lateral tongue lesion
Jul 2013: Biopsy
Aug 2013: Diagnosis - T1N0SCC
Sep 10: Laser surgery to remove 1cm lesion with 1cm margin and biopsy of smaller second lesion further back
Sep 23: Tumour confirmed poorly differentiated & aggressive. Scans pending.