Hi Cheryl,
Thanks for the warning and for taking the time to give such a detailed response. The ulcer was about 1cm on the right side close to the tip of my tongue and they took a margin of 1cm.
They didn't do a neck dissection and no scan, so they haven't even looked at my neck yet.

I'm seeing my medic on Monday. Any suggestions for what I should say to him?

p.s. My job WAS pretty stressful in the 80s & 90s when the lichen planus was at its worst. That might explain why it improved after I moved to a different job.

1990s: Oral Lichen Planus
Feb 2013: Persistent lateral tongue lesion
Jul 2013: Biopsy
Aug 2013: Diagnosis - T1N0SCC
Sep 10: Laser surgery to remove 1cm lesion with 1cm margin and biopsy of smaller second lesion further back
Sep 23: Tumour confirmed poorly differentiated & aggressive. Scans pending.