Thank you for the "welcome"! Congratulations on your success!
Yeah, you never know if something like this is authentic or not(especially when your quality of life depends on it.) We just had to try it.
We found Dr. Niemtzow to be one of the most professional, honest, compassionate and humble doctors we've come across. Despite his busy schedule/life, he responds to your emails or calls immediately. We correspond regularly, as I update him on Curt's saliva status as well as general health. I've also consulted him with concerns regarding Curt's local treatment and he has been very helpful. My only concern - there's only one of him! We are in a time of our life where we were able to take advantage of Dr. N's treatment. We have since met a couple who are going through the same thing, but they are not able to afford the trip/treatment. Both Curt and I believe in him so much that we would like to find a way to help others that want and need this treatment.
Thanks again to all who've welcomed us!

Wife/Caregiver to husband Curt, 49. Tonsil SCC. Chemo and radiation completed July 2005.