Hello Everyone,
I have been watching with interest all the recent posts and especially those who have had the misfortune to be suffering recurrences. My heart goes out to you all and I sincerely hope that you all have favourable outcomes with your treatments.
I had a partial mandibulectomy two and half weeks ago after a tumour appeared in my left retromolar trigone (following an excisional biopsy in July that showed areas of moderate and severe dysplasia with mild dysplasia in the margins.) The pathology after the mandibulectomy took two and a half weeks to come back due the bone having to go through a 'decalcification' process prior to analysis by a pathologist. I have to say it has been a long and stressful wait for these results.
I got good and bad news with the results. It was confirmed to be a new SCC
but although aggressive it appears to have been caught early with good margins. It was fairly deep but had not invaded the bone, although it had wrapped around a tooth which was also removed during the surgery. The surgeon seems to think that we got it at just the right time.
Is it normal for lesions to 'turn' in such a short time? I would also be interested in hearing from anyone else who is dealing with widespread dysplasia and multiple primaries. This was my 4th surgery since February! Thanks for listening!
Sue. :rolleyes: