| Joined: Jun 2008 Posts: 475 Platinum Member (300+ posts) | OP Platinum Member (300+ posts) Joined: Jun 2008 Posts: 475 | Here is the link to the current events happening in 2015...and the list is growing each day... if you live in the area of any of these events... I hope you will consider attending... having our members attend and show support for the cause and OCF is so important.. its a great way to give back...please note that Oral cancer survivors are free to all of our events...any questions please let me know! http://donate.oralcancer.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.homeSusan
Last edited by Susan Lauria; 02-24-2015 06:46 PM.
Susan Lauria - OCF Director of Events - Always looking for volunteers to help spread the word about early detection! Contact me if you can help!
*Brother passed away from tongue cancer in 2006 at age 47, was co-caregiver, he was non-smoker/casual drinker
| | | | Joined: Jul 2009 Posts: 1,409 Patient Advocate (1000+ posts) | Patient Advocate (1000+ posts) Joined: Jul 2009 Posts: 1,409 | thanks, Susan. I see there's one reasonably near me in October. Great!
David 2 SCC of occult origin 1/09 (age 55)| Stage III TXN1M0 | HPV 16+, non-smoker, moderate drinker | Modified radical neck dissection 3/09 | 31 days IMRT finished 6/09 | Hit 15 years all clear in 6/24 | Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome kicked in a few years after treatment and has been progressing since | Prostate cancer diagnosis 10/18
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