Hi Everyone, I just wanted some advice. My lovely mom was sadly diagnosed with Throat Cancer back in 2009. She had cancer in the tonsils and tongue with 1 lymph gland. She had 4 weeks of chemo-radiation.(Mom has never been a smoker or drinker but it turned out the tumour was
HPV posative)
Anyway fast forward 4 years and mom is in great shape, still working full time at the age of 64 no matter how much i nag her to take it easy! Then I took her for her check-up last Friday and the Doctor said that she had a swelling at the base of her tongue. He referred her for a MRI scan which she had 3 days later.
We are now sitting back and waiting. I cant sleep or eat I feel totally sick with worry and cant bare the thought of what could lay ahead.
I just wondered if it was the worse, what are our treatment options, I was lead to believe that you can only receive radiotherapy once and that chemo is no use as a stand alone.
I would really appreciate any advise.
Thank you