Hi everyone. I'm after some advise on fentanyl. My partner was subscribed this but as yet hasn't taken it. Up until recently I couldn't even get him to take panadol although now he has progressed to panadiene. Tonight though it's just not working and we think it's time he went on to the fentanyl. I just want to know if anyone has any advise on this drug or if anyone had any side effects I should watch for. The chemist gave me a big print out on this drug and the possible side effects are very scary. Also it says they can take up to 24 hours to work. Did anyone find any pain relief straight away as we need it now, not in 24 hours. He was prescribed the 12mg patch.

Wife to Steve 43. DX 5 May 09. T4N2MO SCC tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes & jaw bone
No surgery
Teeth removed 06/07/2009
radiation 13/07/2009 x 7wks
chemo 15/07/2009 x 3 Cisplatin
last TX 28/08/2009
25/11/2009 PET-lymph node activity.
08/01/2010 CT Scan-ALL CLEAR
03/03/2010-Peg removed
01/2013 left side of Jaw removed and replaced with pectoral flap.
23/12/2020 scan show lesion in tongue
01/2021 SCC stage 3 base of tongue diagnosed
01/03/2021 chemotherapy started.