Hi all, well it was 6 months ago, that I had last of chemo and rad. The list of problems keeps coming, My hearing is so bad I can not hear on phone or the tv. what I can hear, I have trouble understanding. My eyes are getting bad, I have had a rash since Nov. all over body. I now have a kidney problem, Most of the time I can't walk without falling. my feet go one way and body goes the other. When I found a small lump in mouth in July, I wasn't sick, now I'm falling apart and I have a ENT who tells me nothing but lies and I find out it's not that easy to get rid of a doctor. Being in a small town with little choice, they stick together and won't see you' they don't want to get involed. I'm seeing at least 6 doctors. If I drive the 45 miles to next town for new doc. It would cause proublems if I had more surgery, because doctors don't want long distant. I'm the outdoor type, tent camping in mountains, dirt bikes, lots of hiking, now at the age of 67, I can't walk to the bathroom at times. The latest doctor added potassium,vitamin B12 shots and folic acid. He said it would help my walking and help.
sorry I only come in when I have trouble, but I don't know enough to be of any real help. I do read your post and say a pray. take care.

cancer surgery on July 7th. 2008, I'm now a survivor. cancer free for now. 39 radiation, and 8 chemo treatments.