Hi. Okay I don't know all the medical terms but I know what my Dad went through this past year as I quit my job and moved him in with me to take care of him. Today he broke my heart because all he wants is a stinking set of dentures and no one seems to think it matters, or cares enough to even try. Anyway, here is his story:

78 yo male who had a partial mandilectomy on the left side along with part of his cheek being cut out and replaced by inner arm muscle/and a leg skin graft flap in June 08 at Moffitt Cancer Ctr in Tampa. His inner arm wouldn't heal and the tendon was sticking up so we had to use a wound vac for a few months to get that healed.

After the scabs came off his face, part of the mandible was sticking out and wouldn't heal and turned green due to rad 10yrs ago for SCC in the same place. So he went back in for surgery 11/08 and they took muscle and skin from his chest to fix that, and the bone still stuck out.

Then his L eye wouldn't close and his left face had no feeling and sagged so another surgery 02/09 @ TGH and they put a gold weight in the eyelid and some stretchy material from just under his ear to his mouth to try and hold his mouth even and they also cut the bone back and covered it up.

Dad was such a trooper through all of this, heck I am the one on anti-depressants, he was so positive it was unbelievable. Everything was finally healed, he was gaining weight back by drinking 6 cans of Isocal 375 by mouth (with a straw) and even gained back 22lbs.

On 04/09 the pet lit up, its back just next to the rebuilt cheek. Further surgery is not an option they say and he refuses chemo and rad. Guess he is tired and ready to give up, he told me today "I want a good steak before I die and I need teeth to eat it".

Saw the dentist at Moffitt 4 times since 03/09 and he hasn't done a thing, no impressions, etc...just whittled his old upper denture down so it would fit but the teeth stick out like a rats and he still can't eat or hold food/liquids in his mouth, everything dribbles out. Now the dentist says he can't do anything as the cancer is back. We have seen 3 other local dentists and they say the same thing.

Anyone came across this problem with their treatment? Dad has insurance, was in the military for 30 yrs and everything is paid for 100% & we are willing to travel anywhere necessary to get him teeth.

It is just sad that he went through so much to have the cancer come back and this is like his last wish and no one seems able to help. Maybe I just refuse to believe they can't fix him but dang it my daddy wants teeth.

Sorry, I didn't mean for my first post to be a mini book. Anyway, please email me if you know of any dentists that could help. Also if you have any words of wisdom I could use to maybe talk him into at least trying radiation? That would be great.

Thanks, TeeCee