I found this web site that has Oral Cancer products. I didn't see any lanyards but you might see something else or call them because they custom make items. I ordered several shirts and stickers and was very happy with the products. Here is the web site http://www.zazzle.com - In the search area type in Oral Cancer.

Last edited by Tammy63; 04-29-2009 06:11 PM.

Tammy 43 yr non smoker- Dx-10/11/07 Stage 4 Tongue Cancer Surg.10/17/07, 1/4 Tongue and 14 Lymph nodes 5 positive, Peg tube/Chemo port,Chemo 3 wks/Radiation 6 wks begins 11/07 end 02/08.Teeth removed prior to radiation. PetScan 05/08 CLEAR 09/09. 2011 diag. w/osteoradionecrosis.100 HBO's