If all he tested positive for was
HPV, I would be curious about how he was tested for it. You mention nothing of being positive for cancer. 80% of the American population will have at least one of the more than 120 versions of
HPV in their lifetimes according to the CDC. For the vast majority of them this means nothing. Only 9 versions of
HPV are known to be oncogenic. (5 of these frequently, 4 less so).
If all he has is
HPV there is no treatment for it, and I would not give this too much though unless it is an oncogenic version of
HPV. Even then having a cancer causing version of
HPV does not mean that you will get a cancer. In many people their immune system just clears this all by itself. My wife Ingrid 8 years ago tested positive for
HPV 16 and 18 during a cervical exam. But she has never tested positive for it since then, and she gets a pap every 6 months because of my history.