Thank you Malka! I too am getting a good response as well. It really opens up a discussion.

Today at my sons basketball game I had one on and the woman sitting next to me, who I have been talking to all season, just noticed it and said her mother and cousin both passed away from mouth cancer. So of course we began sharing stories, mine about my brother and hers. Now we have a bond and of course I told her about OCF and the walks, she will be going to the Philly walk with her family and donating to OCF.

She was so thankful to talk to someone who "understood" what oral cancer was all about and she was not alone.

So it is amazing what a button can do.


Susan Lauria - OCF Director of Events - Always looking for volunteers to help spread the word about early detection! Contact me if you can help!

*Brother passed away from tongue cancer in 2006 at age 47, was co-caregiver, he was non-smoker/casual drinker